Deborah Barron Scholarship Fund

Deborah Barron Scholarship Fund

Debbie Barron was one of the founders of the Encore Orchestra when it began back in 1995. She also taught strings with the Encore Academy, the homeschool program, as well as the Summer Music Camp.  A well-known string teacher in the Carroll County, Debbie brought numerous violin students to Encore over the years – many of whom have gone on to careers in music education because of her influence.  

In 2006, Ms. Debbie lost her six year battle with cancer. Her dedication to music was evident in everything she did. Even when faced with challenges of her own, she continued to shine through her enthusiasm for music. She put her heart and soul into her students and touched the lives of many. 

The Encore Community Music Association has established the Deborah Barron Scholarship Fund in an effort to scholarship deserving students each year, making Ms. Debbie’s love of teaching music a lasting legacy for years to come.

If you wish to make a donation, please complete the form below.  All contributions are tax deductible. Thank you in advance for your support of this musical legacy.

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