Instrument Petting Zoo

FREE Musical Instrument
Petting Zoo!


  • Frederick – September 18, 2024
  • Carroll – September 19, 2024
  • Howard – September 20, 2024

What is a musical instrument petting zoo?

The Petting Zoo is an event that gives students a hands-on experience to learn about all of the major band instruments and how to produce a sound. Demonstration/discussion on the following instruments:  flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, percussion/bells. This event is held annually in September.

Why should my child go to the “zoo”?

  • It will give your child a chance to learn and try all of the major band instruments.
  • It will give your child a better understanding of which instrument he/she may want to learn to play.
  • You and your child get to meet our Academy instructors and ask any lingering questions.

What does it cost to attend?

The “zoo” is free to those interested in the Academy.

How does it work?

  • The director will give a brief demonstration on all of the instruments so the students can hear the different sounds.
  • Stations of instruments groups are set up with teachers giving basic playing instructions.
  • Children will learn how to hold and produce a sound on each instrument, and will have the opportunity to try them.
  • After the demonstration, there is an opportunity to ask questions and register for the Academy.

Who can come to the “zoo”?

  • Those interested in learning to play an instrument.
  • Those who may already play an instrument, but wish to try something new.

NOTE:  It is critical to register in advance, so we can plan accordingly. Contact us if you have any questions.


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